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Mentored Internships



picRecent Internships Include:

  • The Old Barracks, Trenton
  • Benjamin Temple House, Ewing
  • National Archives, Philadelphia
  • NJ Vietnam Veterans Museum
  • The Washington Center (Various sites)
  • America’s Unofficial Ambassador (sites in Tajikistan, Zanzibar, Turkey)



Undergraduate Research



Dr. McGreevey’s class examines
historical documents at the NJ State Library and Archives in Trenton

“The experience at the archives allowed me to engage with both primary source research and local history.”





Dr. Bender’s Environmental History course carried out an oral history
project with residents of the Jersey Shore, who witnessed Hurricane Sandy.



←Brittany Hamilton did a Summer

Picture3MUSE Projecton the role of emotionsPicture4

in Social Studies Education

Dr. Nicolosi’s students did archival

research New Orleans on

African- American women’s history→



Community Engaged Learning

  • Volunteer to tutor Prison InmatesPicture5
  • Collect oral histories of veterans, Jersey Shore residents, and local factory workers
  • Engage in local history projects at museums, archives, and sites
  • Students learn by doing, with multiple teaching experiences throughout their TCNJ careers
  • Our exceptional Social Studies Education Program makes our graduates sought after for teaching positions throughout the region




Global Engagement


Picture6History Faculty lead credit-bearing programs in Italy, England, Ireland, New Orleans, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic.
Many history students spend a semester or year abroad. Recent locations include Beijing, St. Petersburg, Prague, Paris, Jerusalem, and Bologna.


The World comes to TCNJ too! Picture7

  • Meet global leaders
  • Experience other cultures
  • Learn from international scholars about the history behind recent events such as the Arab Spring and the protests in Ukraine
  • Get to know TCNJ students from Brazil, Germany, Japan, Thailand, and many other countries
  • Live in International House or Japanese House


Leadership Opportunities


Picture8Outside of the Classroom:

  • Present papers at national and regional conferences
  • Hold office in our chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national History Honor Society
  • Tutor in the Writing Center and mentor fellow students
  • Run your own classroom as a student teacher
  • Be a judge of Middle School presentations at “History Day”


Inside the classroom: Picture9

  • Courses are writing and speaking intensive
  • Students lead discussions, present their research, and work in groups
  • Advanced students may intern with a professor as a teaching assistant




What is required to earn a degree in History?
