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Author Archives: Sydney Shaw

Congratulations to Steve Rodriguez!

Congratulations to history major Steve Rodriguez. He was awarded the Paul A. Stellhorn Award for the best seminar paper on New Jersey History and the Roebling Award to conduct archival research in Spain this Spring. Dr. McGreevey has been Steve’s mentor for these projects. Continue Reading

Second event of the 1989 Global Struggles for Social Justice lecture series

Don’t forget, October 30 is the second event of the 1989 Global Struggles for Social Justice lecture series entitled, A People Uncounted. The film, The Untold Story of the Roma People, will be shown at 7:00 pm in the TCNJ Library Auditorium with remarks by, Dr. Margaret Beissinger, from Princeton University. Hope to see everyone there! Continue Reading

TCNJ Alum returns for the first talk of the 1989 Lecture Series

The first talk of the 1989 Lecture series, commemorating the 25th anniversary of 1989, which was the year the Berlin Wall fell, the Tiananmen Square demonstrations occurred, and Mandela’s release from prison was negotiated, will be on Wednesday, October 15 at 5:30 pm in the TCNJ Library Auditorium. Dr. Jesse Bucher, TCNJ Class of 2004… Continue Reading

Ebola Crisis In West Africa

This Wednesday October 8, there will be a lecture on the Ebola Crisis in West Africa. This lecture will be given by Ambassador Jimmy Kolker, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Hope to see you there at 4:00 pm, in the Education Building room 212! Continue Reading
